How You Can Help
Often, people ask how they can help let others discover the benefits of Dare to Live Without Limits. There are many ways you can be of assistance. Here are a few ideas:
- Tell your friends, relatives, and colleagues about this new book. Talk it up over coffee, during phone conversations, at gatherings, and via email.
- Carry your copy with you and show it to people.
- Go to Amazon.com or Barnes and Noble (BN.com) and write a 5-star review . if you thinks it's deserved, of course.
- Give the book as a gift. It's perfect for any occasion.
- Ask for Dare to Live Without Limits whenever you go into a bookstore. If they don't have it, suggest they order it. If they do, put it face-out on the shelf.
- Ask for Dare to Live Without Limits at your local library. Suggest they order it if they don't have it.
Thank you for your interest and all the best to you!
Bryan Golden